Friday, September 22, 2006

when Septmeber ends...

ok. it is not possible for a song to be played more than this song is. period. i am so tired of it, i have been listening to other stations just so i don't have to endure..."summer has come and passed, blah blah blah..." enough, already. the other day i told my hubby that i was going to call the radio station and ask them if they planned on playing it after month end. like, no white shoes after labor day, don't play songs about september ending after september has ended, right?
anyway, aside from the song, i cannot believe all that is happening between now and september's end. for instance, the last weekend of the daughter is supposed to be in a wedding with rehearsal dinner friday, the wedding saturday. she has a soccer game that saturday morning, 11am, i think. the pumpkin patch with animal petting zoo and pony rides opens that weekend. the neighborhood is having its annual block party...DJ music, balloon artist, temporary tattoos, limbo, sack races, cake walk, face painting, and sno cones! its a mini-frickin-carnival! the sort of thing we moved to this neighborhood for...and we won't be least i won't. why? because that weekend is also the weekend that book club will be meeting!
i will be out of town as of 1ish on friday, to return on sunday.
the entire weekend!!! woo hoo!!!
in a cabin,
on a private lake,
with all my gal pals,
hangin' out,
no pets/no children,
just down time.
i {heart} it!
i look forward to it every year.

next weekend.

and it couldn't get here any sooner.


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