Wednesday, October 25, 2006


i had so much to say.
and when i did finally sit down and post about our weekend i only covered Sunday.
i started to do 'fifth' and thought, "what was it? what 'something else' happened that i'm forgetting?"
Saturday! there are two days in a weekend...
and the big news is...
A kicked her first goal at her soccer game!
she was so excited!
that was the hi-light of the day!

this is her 'taking it to the goal'. i was too busy cheering to get any pics of her satisfied face afterwards.
i will tell you, though, that i laughed out loud when i saw these pics the first time. notice that the coach for the other team is in mid-air in both photos...he was really too much! he ran with the kids, made them chant little things about their team being the best, the fastest, the winners...
he did take a second (as he prepared his team for the next play) to tell our girl "good job, sweetie" after she scored.


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