Tuesday, December 26, 2006

deep breath...

long sigh....Christmas is behind us.
and now the consideration of New Year's resolutions.

this year's resolutions were not achieved...
i wanted to -
  • not gain any weight (this because i knew if i resolved to lose, it wouldn't happen)
  • learn a second language
  • and become more interesting...however you might define 'interesting'

i gained at least 5lbs
no intiendo espanol
and i don't feel any more interesting.

strange thing to think about, but i started defining myself as uninteresting after i became a mother. i think that so much of who we are changes when we become mothers, especially SAHMs. unless i go out of my way to experience something outside of my daughter's world, i don't have much that i'm a part of. better explained...if i'm at a party of 50 strangers and i'm the only SAHM in the room, what would i talk to those other 49 people about?

i don't watch the news
i don't care to discuss politics or religion
i no longer play a musical instrument
i don't recycle or volunteer
i don't play a sport of any kind

see. i just exist.
and for now, i'm okay with that.
until i start to consider what my plans might be for the coming year...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that as I get older (even being a stay-at-home mom) that I learn and grow as a person. THat I'm much more interesting at 34 than I was at 24... You may feel like you are just existing but each day you are learning and growing and experiencing. And even as a SAHM there are tons of things to talk about in a room full of people who do otherwise... Books, music, art, movies, blogs, relationships, pets.

You are a cool chickie. So I hope you won't worry too much about how "interesting" you are. Because I'm pretty sure you are VERY interesting indeed! :-)

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paleassssse! Like any of those working people are more interesting because they, what?, work? I find those people the most boring because nothing is more boring than a discussion about work...especially if you don't work there. And most of these people can't even talk about what I find interesting...kids! I think it's all in your perspective.

I've always found you interesting. If you weren't then how on earth could we have a discussion for hours without at least part of it being interesting?

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally ditto...I love being around you because you are absolutely enchanting and a highly intellectual WOMAN!.....Don't worry, this shall pass. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, trust me I've been there. Hang in there and lean on your friends (wink)!

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - We drove cross-country to see you just as much as we did to see my brother and our niece. We all think you are absolutely wonderful. The wife adores you precisely because you are a SAHM, possibly the most important job on the planet, as well as because you share so many interests. I adore you because you put up with my brother!

8:58 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

You know what? You have a love of books, and that, in my opinion, automatically makes you interesting. No matter what else is going on (or not going on) in your life. As long as you read, you'll always have fodder for conversation. I really believe that.

I read a quote once that said (and I'm paraphrasing here) "to be an interesting person, you must be interested." In other words, be interested in something...anything...and you will probably be perceived as an interesting person to those you meet.

Good post!

9:58 PM  

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