Tuesday, February 13, 2007

ever notice...

that when you're busy, there couldn't be more that needs to get done and you never feel like there's enough time for everything?
well on the flip side, when things slow down, i do nothing that needs to be done.
i'm completely useless.

right now i should be clearing away my girl's lunch dishes and getting myself ready to drop her off at school so that i can head to the gym.
instead, i'm wondering why this guy wants me to add him as a friend to my myspace account, which i only have because my bro & sis have one instead of a blog. (i thought there might be some pictures posted of them with their families, however, i don't think either of them even log in, much less keep their pics updated) meanwhile i get the occasional friend invite from old HS buds and total strangers...more of the latter, actually.

anyway, as far as being useless goes, i really have been lately. well, not totally useless...i've been doing only the necessary. feeding the family, getting the laundry done, keeping the kiddo bathed, etc. as far as dusting or running the vacuum upstairs, keeping the bar cleaned off and things picked up ...well, not so useful there.
i would be embarrassed to have anyone over who wasn't a good friend.
i think it may have a lot to do with the weather, too. overcast, or rainy for the last few days...and COLD. i'm so sick of the cold!!!
maybe by the weekend the fog will clear and my house will be whipped back into shape.
i'm beginning to think i may have a mild case of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), maybe just the 'winter blues'.

well, no more lingering. i'm off to do something useful.


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