Monday, March 26, 2007

As swimsuit season approaches...

i have taken a bit to stop and do some serious consideration of what i want my summer body to be like.
and by serious, i mean realistic.
and lets face it, i don't like to be realistic when it comes to bathing suits. my friends will attest to this, they saw me in my suit last year...walking around at the pool without hiding behind a towel, actually letting the light of day hit the back of my thighs as though they were acceptable for display. you may think, 'oh whatever, you're being silly', but there is something you have to understand. even as a child, i did not go to the pool without wearing a cover up...into the water. i have never been comfortable in my own skin.
last year, after having had a child, and having friends who have also had children, it was a bit easier to be accepting of my body.
and by accepting, i mean given up hope. ;)
really, its like, 'i thought my hips and thighs were bad before, just look what pregnancy did for me', ya know?
so, after seeing some pictures of myself last year, and realizing that maybe i shouldn't have been so 'accepting', and in an attempt to enjoy the summer time swimming this season, i have been running my but off. literally. and today i will add time and distance to my run...hopefully.
wish me luck! ...i'm gonna need it.


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