Wednesday, September 05, 2007

almost succeeded at doing nothing

but instead, did very little.
the girl got a fever and didn't go to school on friday.
school was out mon. and tues., thus resulting in a 5 day weekend for her.
...except that she was in with a persistent fever until sunday night.
and we're still not entirely sure what the cause was. [?]

we watched a lot of disney and took naps each day.
again, nice.
and her little friend from the neighborhood stopped by to bring her a fairy coloring book, since she was missing out on the last weekend of swimming.
our neighborhood pool closes every year after labor day, signifying the end of summer - sort of.
E says, nice.
he was so done with the pool 2 months ago.
just doesn't like spending so much time sitting in the heat.
whichever. i rather enjoy just sitting. it doesn't really matter where it happens.

i got some new kicks on sunday.
not sure if i'm liking them...
dealing with these shin splints. {which i'm beginning to wonder are actually not, at the risk of being a total self-diagnosing-hypochondriac.}
and water retention.
they feel much better walking than running...but i have a 10 mile run on saturday.

ah well.
guess we'll see.


Blogger not a dem anymore said...

Like the shoes..............How is A doing??? Better I hope....Hey you never called me back...every thing okay over that way?

8:52 AM  

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