Wednesday, January 10, 2007


on the machete-murderer...
so i borrowed a yearbook from an old classmate of mine who was actually a year behind me in school. funny thing, she and i had classes together and were in the school's drama performances and on the newspaper staff together, and yet we speak more now then we ever did then...still not too often. i think i actually chat more with her husband than with her, but that's neither here nor there.
searching through the yearbook i couldn't find even a hint of his existence...not even a 'not pictured'.
i remember him, though. he ran with the group of 'rebels' who hung out at the gas station during the lunch hour and wore black and cussed a lot, acting bigger and more dangerous than they really were; still, a bit intimidating. none of them were in the yearbook either, though some of their names were listed as 'not included in the senior section'.
oh well, i guess he never outgrew it. rebellious to the end...

on our sleepless in suburbia...
so we had our 'consultation' with the pediatrician. she didn't really tell us much..."the dreams/nightmares, sleep walking, and sleep talking are all very normal. don't do anything to try to stop/change it in anyway. the only concern is for her safety in sleep walking." she suggested we gate an area to secure her from going outside, which isn't necessarily an issue because she can barely manage to open the door when she's wide awake and its unlocked...
on the anxiety and some of the issues surrounding her sleeplessness the Dr. related some of the things our girl has been expressing in relation to vivid thoughts and experiences may indicate a high IQ. (?) she thinks we'll need to have a complete evaluation done, so she referred us to a 'developmental pediatrics' group, and we're still working out what is/isn't covered by insurance and such...more on this when i know what our next move will be.
other then that, we were doing what we should have been doing, so we're to continue with our current behaviors surrounding bed time and mid-night wakings. and so we wait.

on twilight and new moon...
where to even begin!?!?!?!
well, you may have noticed that i haven't been around much this past can totally blame Stephenie Meyer. i started reading her first book on Tuesday eveining, and could not get away from it! i finished it on Thursday and started the second book in the series on Thursday night...sitting down to just read a few pages, i ended up reading the first hundred pages! i finished it today and then went online to see if i could get more of this awesome new-to-me series. don't get me wrong, they probably wouldn't be considered fast reads, as book one has a tantalizing 498 pages of suspenseful and seductive yummy-ness. and book two follows suit with it's 563 pages. these are some of the longest books i've read in a while, and by far some of the best and most beautiful...
its hard to pick just one thing that is so great about this book, but one of my favorite snippets is when Bella thinks to herself, "About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him--and i didn't know how dominant that part might be-- that thirsted for my blood. And third, i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." i mean!!!! it sends a thrill right through me!
could this cover be more beautiful? i just love it. this one had me flipping ahead, searching the text quickly to see if those i hoped would be, would be. and it did not fail to please me.
i can hardly wait for the next in the series! its supposed to be out in late august/early september, and i can't help but feel thirsty for more of Edward now!

and i don't have anything else to talk about, because these books have been the center of my waking existence since Tuesday. you should totally check them out!


Blogger Jill of All Trades said...

I'm totally with you on your concern and the little relief you have with The Girl. It can be so nervewracking, the worry and fretting. Good luck. I will check out the new book reads...may have to visit Amazon this weekend!

7:03 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

WIll have to check out that book. Thanks for the heads up.

3:42 PM  

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