Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Different points of view...

one thing i cannot stand is when people act 'entitled' though something is owed them for some obscure reason, when in truth they're not at all deserving. i hope that i live and raise my child in a manner that allows the recognition and prevention of such behavior.
lets be realistic...there are few things that anyone is entitled to beyond some basic human rights. one thing that i think most people will agree upon is that we are all entitled to our own opinions. and i just think it awesome that we live in a time when its okay to express yours and make up your own mind.
For instance, i just know that when i read Kelly i'll always get exactly where she stands on something...never any hesitation to tell it exactly how she sees it. and i might not agree, and thats fine. she shared her thoughts, in a further reaching manner, on what Dr. Robin had to say about the whole 'racism and sexism' controversy lately. and she has an interesting view.
and then there's Mitzi, who has her opinion, as well. and i might not agree with everything she says...again, that's fine. this time, though, i think i'm definitely with Mitzi on this one.

and i found this quote that i really liked and i feel happens all too often...

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
~Daniel Patrick Moynihan


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