Friday, June 22, 2007


i just called my daughter's dr.'s office to double check an appt time for next tuesday, because 1) i have to work that day with afternoon meetings already scheduled and 2) i had forgotten what time i scheduled the appt for and needed to just double check to make sure there was no overlap.
the appt is a follow-up that was scheduled for tuesday because the girl had been prescribed 10 days of antibiotics and that would be the day after completion of her meds. HOWEVER, last week, after only 3 days of the meds the nurse told me that the UTI for which the prescription was written was no longer testing positive (not enough colonies or some shtuff) and that i could take her off of the anitbiotics. and i did.
so i said to the woman checking my appt time, i'm not sure we need to hold the appt because it was a follow-up to the UTI and we were told to stop administering meds...yada, yada"
she says, "well, the notes say something about a, i would go ahead and bring her." in a tone that implies 'what are you even thinking?'. talk about making me feel like the worst mom ever for even suggesting that we not put her (the girl who freaks out at just the mention of going to see the dr.) through it. i can just see her little face, all stressed out about whether or not they're going to try to do 'the icky tickle' (strep test) or try to take blood. it was only recently that she became comfortable with peeing in a cup. why wouldn't i want to avoid that?
anyway. i held the appt time, like a good guilt-ed mommy would, because she did have a seizure last week...i don't really want to get into it, because it still freaks me out a bit to think of it, because i picture it and, anyway, the end.

my point, --don't judge me, appt-line-lady! you don't know me!

deep breath.

i feel better.


Blogger Lisa said...

Oh Geeze. Parenthood is hard enough without people like THAT making you feel like poo. SOrry that happened. The rest of us KNOW you're a great mommy!

1:40 PM  

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