Thursday, January 10, 2008

like a good/bad working mommy...

today i had a sort of important first ever 'go/no go' for implementation of this "tool" i've been working on since starting back to work earlier this year.
the meeting started at 4:00........which on Thursdays happens to be when i need to leave to make it to A's dance class on time, not early enough to make it home and get her ready and take her to class, that's for good daddy to do, just early enough to meet them there and watch/not watch.
so, today that wasn't happening, and i ended up just driving straight home after work and arriving at the same time they did after dance was over. so, like a good/bad working mommy i missed her dance class for the first time ever. and with errands to run and a 'fast dinner' already a part of the plan for the evening, i just got in the car with them and we went to eat at McDonald's, feeding her a good healthy meal like a good/bad working mommy.
while at Mickey D's i went to the counter to get some pickles, since they forgot hers and a burger just isn't complete without it. while there, the manager says to me, "You look like someone, like a movie star...but i can't quite figure out who." i just shook my head to imply that i had no idea who she might be thinking, and she continued with "Have you ever seen Lethal Weapon 2?" "No, can't say that i have."
so, of course when i got home and settled i had to look to see the cast of Lethal Weapon 2...and for the first time ever IMDB has let me down. there were no pictures of the female cast (actually just one, but there are no similarities)...and i know she didn't think of me as looking like Mel Gibson, so...and i could take a picture to see who you think i look like, but really its been a long day and i'm afraid to look at a picture of my tired face tonight...
anyway, apparently i remind the McDonald's manager of a "movie star"! only, i can't find out which one and so i'm not sure if that's good/bad working mommy...(doesn't really work here...)
it could be Patsy Kensit, or Darlene Love, or Traci Wolfe, or the girl cast as 'Computer Operator #2: Catherine Guel...i'll probably never know, because that would require me actually googling them individually...not gonna happen, not tonight anyway.

i've given the girl a bath, put her to bed and now i think its my turn to take some time for me and go to bed a good/bad working mommy.


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