Thursday, January 03, 2008

one more day...

and the week is over.
for a couple of days rest...
i swear, if this phase of my project doesn't end soon, i'm going to start drinking too much, and quite honestly...i'm almost done caring.

and this is over.
yes, they'll be coming to fix the accident that happened on Thanksgiving day!!!
i am so excited. we've had the cars out in the weather for the last couple of months...through the ice and frosty weather...which translates to 'i hate cleaning the ice and frost from my windshield on 24degree mornings, and it took this happening for me to realized that'. and as of friday, it will all be finished!

t.g.i.f is a catch phrase for a reason...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the bigger fool, your niece who was driving, or your hubby who let her?


7:15 PM  
Blogger c-dizzle said...

still feeling horribly guilty. sorry about you having to scrape ice this winter. no more driving for the niece.

10:29 PM  

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