Wednesday, September 10, 2008

As my boss always says, "Set your boundaries"

This was an IM sent to me from the guy across the cube aisle...having
overheard me telling my own boss how much I LOVE my job & how busy
it's keeping me lately & how much I don't mind that it interferes with
my home life. i was driving this evening, on my way to the grocery, a
thought popped into my head. i spend my entire day trying to make
people happy, only to come home and try to make my husband and my
daughter happy. don't get me wrong, i don't mean to imply that i do
so at the expense of my own happiness, we all know i'm selfcentered;
everyone should be ;)
and then, when i got home, i found an add that had come in the
mail..."you've taken care of everyone else, now let us take care of you"
i swear the universe is telling me to take some ME time. even if it
isn't, i'm going to believe that it is. :)