Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i'm a little devil...

You Are 59% Pure

You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure.
You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!

umhmm, that's right.
i think it was the 3 tatoos that kicked me over the top, no?

Friday, June 22, 2007


i just called my daughter's dr.'s office to double check an appt time for next tuesday, because 1) i have to work that day with afternoon meetings already scheduled and 2) i had forgotten what time i scheduled the appt for and needed to just double check to make sure there was no overlap.
the appt is a follow-up that was scheduled for tuesday because the girl had been prescribed 10 days of antibiotics and that would be the day after completion of her meds. HOWEVER, last week, after only 3 days of the meds the nurse told me that the UTI for which the prescription was written was no longer testing positive (not enough colonies or some shtuff) and that i could take her off of the anitbiotics. and i did.
so i said to the woman checking my appt time, i'm not sure we need to hold the appt because it was a follow-up to the UTI and we were told to stop administering meds...yada, yada"
she says, "well, the notes say something about a seizure...so, i would go ahead and bring her." in a tone that implies 'what are you even thinking?'. talk about making me feel like the worst mom ever for even suggesting that we not put her (the girl who freaks out at just the mention of going to see the dr.) through it. i can just see her little face, all stressed out about whether or not they're going to try to do 'the icky tickle' (strep test) or try to take blood. it was only recently that she became comfortable with peeing in a cup. why wouldn't i want to avoid that?
anyway. i held the appt time, like a good guilt-ed mommy would, because she did have a seizure last week...i don't really want to get into it, because it still freaks me out a bit to think of it, because i picture it and, anyway, the end.

my point, --don't judge me, appt-line-lady! you don't know me!

deep breath.

i feel better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

random entertainment...

sarah jessica parker and Sex and the City. just recently started watching the series on DVD. love it. and now they're talking about doing a movie. to do: check out what info i can find on that-later.

avril's magazine cover. heard that she's naked on the cover of some mag after (at the ripe age of 17) she very explicitly stated that she would never use 'sex' to sell an album. how's that workin' for ya? to do: look for that cover art. is it true? did she really?

wondering about the new fall lineup. can't wait to see what it is, even though i don't feel like i really have the time to watch what i already like to watch, much less add some new show to the mix.
speaking of...just added 'Weeds' to the blockbuster queue. going to start it from the beginning.

9:32, 1:46, 1:56, 2:25. you may wonder, what do these numbers mean? these, my friends, are the times at which Mr. McCartney (my hygienically challenged cube neighbor) decided to clip his fingernails today. now.come.on. get a hobby. find some other form of entertainment. please.

and last but certainly not least...for your enjoyment, Evolution of Dance

have a good one.

Monday, June 11, 2007

love Confetti...

all over my house...really. love confetti. little tiny hearts. everywhere.
i told E, 'i thought it would be at least a week...'
she got them yesterday.
today i come home to this...
they were in her bed, her laundry basket, all on top of the furniture...every. where.
and when she sat in her floor and then walked out of her room she left a trail of little silver hearts everywhere she went.
i asked her if she 'sprinkled' them around her room.
she said no.
me-are you sure?
her-no, i didn't sprinkle them.
me-then how did they get all spread out?
her-i don't know.
me-if you don't know then who does?
her-i don't know.
me-you can tell me, it will only make me angry if you don't tell me and pretend you don't know.
her-i was...(pause) i was just throwing them up in the air and making it pretty. just making them pretty. i just thought it would be fun.
me-oh, that explains it.
[2 beats-while she waits for the verdict]
her-whew, i'm just glad you're not angry.
then she spent the next two hours making a slight dent in picking them up.

After i took the pic of her she said to me as i walked out of the room, "I smiled. Should I have smiled?" it wasn't until later that i asked her how it got that way, so she wasn't sure if she was in trouble or not. This is not because she gets in trouble often, its more that she doesn't make messes like these and she knew it was a BIG mess. I think that she was sorry; not thinking about picking them up as she tossed them in the air...i just wish i could have seen her do it.
it was probably 'pretty'.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

chop chop...

i got it all cut off...
and i love it! its so easy!
i think i may have this cut for a long time.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

desperate housewives

this was in one of those 'pass it on emails'...and i don't really do those, but i wanted to share. so, i'm passing it on here.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


time to sit back and unwind..
and get wet.

Wat Up?

yesterday i had a meeting at my desk to discuss some new documentation and somehow the conversation got switched to my boss...what kind of manager he is, situations that have happened over recent months, just basic stuff. anyway, i mentioned an instance of his interaction with me where i thought he was 'testing' me, sort of. so, i'm telling this story and i realize that it all took place on the day that i went to work with my shirt on inside out. yes, i did. i went to work with my shirt on inside out! that happened to be the morning that my monitor quit and i needed my boss' assistance to replace it. it wasn't until half an hour later that some girl, who i don't know (nor do i know if i would even recognize her due to my own embarrassed fumbling upon receiving the information) popped her head in and said, "Ummm, sweetie, your shirt is on inside out." i'm sure now, when my projects come up, she'll be like "oh, you mean the girl who wore her shirt..."
[mental note: make sure i don't walk out the front door looking like i got dressed in the dark.]
regardless, the "shirt on wrong" was a better story than that of the "he's testing me".

the girl has been listening to a lot of old school rap. she especially likes 'criss cross' JUMP! JUMP! i swear i heard her rapping some song that i don't even know. and she has become obsessed with saying the word 'booty' while shaking said body part. whether the new music and the new vocabulary are related, i don't know. i will tell you that it is a welcome change to 'the cheetah girls'. ...amigas, cheetahs...the rhythm and each other, that's what keeps us tight...

my inlaws closed on a new house yesterday, about two blocks from us. i think its safe to say that this comes with a unique set of pros and cons...
a 'funny' that i heard concerning the close, though, and i'm not entirely sure how to tell the story so i may just have to get straight to the point -- you know how at closing you have to sign the page that says, 'these are all possible forms of my name that i may use at any time concerning financial stuff'. well, my MIL happens to share the same first name as my FIL's second wife (long story that i will never tell) and so after marrying the same man, the only difference in their name would be their middle name. well, you can probably see where this is going...
yes, you guessed it, the ex-wife's name was there as an option! my FIL said he "thought the entire room was going to erupt". needless to say, MIL not happy about that little error.
when i heard, i LMAO!!!

working a little bit different schedule this week, so i hope to be all finished with my work responsibilities by tomorrow afternoon. and by that i mean 'i hope to be at the pool for the rest of the week'. so, i'll try to get some good pics of the girl swimming.
watch for it.

that's all. that's wat'up here.
peace out...


Monday, June 04, 2007

giggle Fit...

she couldn't stop laughing...at herself.
this one is my favorite...even though its not perfect.

Muddled Monday...

maddening-morning-moment -> the 'nail clipper' was on vacation last week--he's back today. by ten o'clock he had clipped his nails twice. i think he might be obsessive compulsive.

The girl got a hair cut...i should be able to post some pics this evening, i'll try to get to it.

Since the rain has decided to stop for a bit, and Summer has finally gotten rolling. the pool is open. people are out and about around the neighborhood, children coming out the the woodwork, playing at the neighborhood park.
there should be more hours in the day...i might actually get something done.