Thursday, September 27, 2007


its neon, and that makes it okay.
A had an appt. earlier this week with her doc and it was determined that it would be best if her arm was casted...doesn't she look enthused?
i think she really liked the doctor...she told E and I that she wanted "not to see dr S or that other dr again, and just see him." and when we explained that he was just a bone doc and that he wouldn't be able to help with other things she replied, "exactly! that's why i'm saying to see him. he can't do the icky tickle or give me shots, that's why i want to come here."
she is one smart little cookie.
who is getting very good at coloring with her left hand.


last weekend i went to dallas with the girls,
nice to get away.
we stayed here,
and shopped here and here.
and partied here.
i have some pics that i may share
if i get a chance.

after having approx. 8 hours of sleep over a
weekend, its taking some time to recover.

i'm too old to party like a rock star.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

i saw this...

over here at Ali's and couldn't help but want to share it too.
it made me start to think about how i want to spend my time...

"...but the biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make while doing this. I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three on them sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4, and 1. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in a hurry to get on to the next things: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less."
~Anna Quindlen

have a good day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

what a nice surprise...

because i am married to the biggest 'tech-gadget' geek i've ever met, i came home to this yesterday afternoon.
an iPod Touch.
nice, huh?
he's so sweet to me.

Monday, September 17, 2007 promised

my 'broken arm'

it hurt so bad i cried...
just kidding...i tricked you!
i feel great, can't you tell?
here's my cheesy picture-day-smileand mom's favorite.

sticks and stones...

who needs 'em.

i was sitting at lunch today with some friends, one of which is expecting her second baby boy[next week!] and we were chatting about illness and injury and all the things that you worry about. and it got me to thinking about how the worry never ceases ~ as an expecting mother- the hopes and prayers that they are born healthy, and then a new mother-concerns that they grow and develop at a rate that is, for lack of a better word, 'normal'...walking and talking when they should, etc., and how the worries change as they are they doing in school, do they have friends to play with on the playground, did they eat their lunch, drink enough water after playing in the get the picture.
well, worry as you might, you can't keep them completely out of harm's way.
last weekend i was out flitting about with a friend, having lunch and doing some shopping when my phone rang. it was E calling to tell me that the girl had fallen while playing at the park and was 'hurt' enough that she wanted to go home, but that he didn't think she was 'injured'. She cried for a while, put some ice on it and was resting watching tv. saturday night she had some tylenol, went to bed and didn't sleep as well as she could have. sunday morning she woke and could move it pretty well, as she did the day before, but she still wasn't using it.
so, better safe than sorry, we decided to go and see a doctor and get an x-ray, which i think she was pretty excited long as they didn't intend to draw blood.
two hours later, she has her arm in a splint and cool pictures to show daddy...its a torus fracture to her right radius.
the worst part about that being, and i quote, 'its my coloring and sticker hand.'
poor girl, she's now learning to peel and stick stickers with her left had, since daddy bought her some new posterboards.

and today is picture day at school, she said, "oooh nooo, how are we going to take a picture with a cast?" i hope she smiles...
and with the added care to the arm, we almost missed the bus...which means i didn't get a chance to take pictures of her before school like i did last year.
but i will put up some pictures this evening...since we won't be going to gymnastics, probably for a while, i may just have some extra time tonight.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Girl and Her Flower

as drawn by: The Girl.
This is a self -portrait with her standing next to a flower, roots and all. Notice also, the blue sky and the white clouds above it.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

wouldn't it be nice...

to be able to speak a different language from those who sit around me at work, so that i never have to wonder if they're listening to my entire conversation...because you can't help but hear every word, even in hushed tones.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

almost succeeded at doing nothing

but instead, did very little.
the girl got a fever and didn't go to school on friday.
school was out mon. and tues., thus resulting in a 5 day weekend for her.
...except that she was in with a persistent fever until sunday night.
and we're still not entirely sure what the cause was. [?]

we watched a lot of disney and took naps each day.
again, nice.
and her little friend from the neighborhood stopped by to bring her a fairy coloring book, since she was missing out on the last weekend of swimming.
our neighborhood pool closes every year after labor day, signifying the end of summer - sort of.
E says, nice.
he was so done with the pool 2 months ago.
just doesn't like spending so much time sitting in the heat.
whichever. i rather enjoy just sitting. it doesn't really matter where it happens.

i got some new kicks on sunday.
not sure if i'm liking them...
dealing with these shin splints. {which i'm beginning to wonder are actually not, at the risk of being a total self-diagnosing-hypochondriac.}
and water retention.
they feel much better walking than running...but i have a 10 mile run on saturday.

ah well.
guess we'll see.