Thursday, August 30, 2007


just trying to get in my miles.
this is a 'recovery' week, so i guess i can take it a bit easy.
251.03 miles recorded as of tonight.
my left lower shin is giving me some aches.
tomorrow is my off day...from running that is.
the inlaws came in tonight for the weekend.
went and ate, got a Rx filled, did some grocery shopping, got the girl to bed, baked cookies for the Buenos Aires test team, ran 3 miles and will probably bake a cake tomorrow instead of tonight, as it is entirely too late to fire up the oven again.
saturday is my FIL's bday.
and BIL's on the 14th...i am aware but so very bad about remembering to give a call.
so, i'll probably forget between now and then.
the 15th i do a 5K race, which may help me to remember...
[mental note: night before race, call C]
now, at the end of my day, which i feel has been too long, i am exhausted and ready for the weekend.
looking forward to the holiday and a long weekend.
i know most people make plans for such a thing, i plan to do nothing.
that is my plan.
wish me luck on succeeding.

have a good one.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

the doodley-doo song...

she doesn't like the doodley-doo song.
how can she not like the doodley-doo song.
i love the doodley-doo song.

i sing it to her every morning when i wake her up for school.
i remember it from when i was a child.

J & K, sing it with me...

Good morning, good morning, good morning
its time to rise and shine.

Good morning, good morning, good morning
i hope you're feeling fine.

Good morning, get up, get outta bed.
You've got to wake up, you sleepy head.
The day is starting just for you,
and all your dreams are coming true-doodley-doo,
doodley-doo, doodley-doo!


now, who wouldn't want to be greeted with such a lovely song?
every morning, woken from a deep and cozy sleep by a crazy lady, singing at the top of her lungs and occasionally dancing and clapping along to such a catchy little tune?
i don't get why she doesn't like it...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

a mother's work is never done...

and so it goes.
sometimes i look around and see mess where i just cleaned and i will actually ask out loud, 'is it never ending?'
and tonight i admitted to myself that this new stage of her life [starting school] brings with it more work for me. lunch to pack, homework to make sure she attends to, and adding 'all that comes with getting her up and out the door in time to catch the bus' to my morning routine. thank goodness E is a dad who stays engaged...don't know what i'd do otherwise. i don't know how a single mother gets by without losing her mind. seriously.
a fellow mom sent me this link, so i thought i would share this little bit of Momsense.

so, give yourself a pat on the back today if your feeling this.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Such a BIG girl...

Yesterday was the first day of school.
My baby is in Kindergarten...and such a poser.
She wanted to ride the bus,
was actually very excited about it.
All the other little ones stopped and
turned to look back for photos.
She just took off up those steps and
never looked back.
At the end of the day, she looked hot
and tired, and just wanted to be home.
As we walked home from the bus stop
and her daddy tried to take her hand to
cross the street she shook him off saying,
"I'm in kindergarten now, i'm not just a
little tiny girl, i'm a big girl now."
There were more stories about her day
than there were last year.
And this morning i had a hard time waking her.
Once awake she seemed really excited to be going back...i think she's really going to love this school year.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Not my baby boy...

because i don't have one. but my friend is due in October. she's having a boy and she's taking name suggestions. Her first son has a less common name and she's favoring some very strong and still less "mainstream" names like Dax or Rhett.
so, i got to thinking about it and came up with a few that i like...just for fun.
again, a little less common names, i think. not your average 'Joe' or 'Colton' or 'Logan'.

Ace is Anglo Saxon for One who excels,Noble
Felix is Latin for Prosperous
Zeke is Aramaic for Shooting Star*
Cameron is Scottish for With a Crooked Nose **
Gage is Old French for A Pledge
Isaac is Hebrew for Laughter**
Jake (from Jacob) is Hebrew for Conqueror
Luke is Latin for Luminous (say that 5 times fast)
Maddox is Celtic for Beneficent
Nash is Old English for Protruding Cliff
[although, this is right up there with Jett]
Pierce is Old Anglo French (who knew?) for Rock or Stone
[so, he kind of gets his Rocky....?]
Quinn is Irish for The Wise
Simon is Hebrew for He who has Heard
and last but certainly not least,
though i'm not even sure i like it, is
Otto which is Teutonic for Prosperous

Now, you get to vote or offer up your favorite names...

* This is my personal favorite!
**These are names i like to think would have been considered had we had a boy.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

out of the mouths of babes...

the other day we were driving home from the local water park when the following conversation took place...

me: 'A' i haven't enrolled you in 'Little Idols' yet. i want to wait and see how busy it gets once school starts and you'll still be in gymnastics. i'll be working full time, and nana and peepaw will be here...
her: ok. i'll be patient.
me: [a little caught off guard] ok, i just wanted to make sure that you knew. i haven't enrolled you.
her: i understand.
me: thank you baby. [and in my head i'm wondering if this is normal for a 5 year old...]


the other day the girl came in to tell me that we needed to get Life Alert. [you know, that necklace that they make for the elderly to wear in case they fall and can't get to the phone to call for help.]
she came to me saying..."cause if you just fall and get hurt and your house is burning down, then you just push the button and the firetrucks just come real fast and put out the fire and save your life. that's just why we need life alert."
my point - advertising works.


today when i got home from work i was sitting at the table making a 'To Do' list when E shows me this picture...
he said that when the girl saw it she asked, "Who is that?"
he said, "Holly."
the girl: "She's pretty."
E: "Yes."
the girl: "But not as pretty as Mommy. I love Mommy, she's pretty."


she was wrestling on the floor with her daddy when she started saying..."you can do it 'A', your strong and healthy. you can do it."
giving herself a little pep talk.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

one thing...

after another, after another.
i don't feel like i've stopped moving for even five minutes in the last 4 days, with the exception of sitting down to have a meal.

and now i'm off again.
i was going to share something spectacular with you, but haven't got a thing.

i'll try harder this week.

edited to include this note: i just hit my '200' milestone! 200.56 miles as of tonight.

Friday, August 03, 2007

long run...

tomorrow i have my first long run.
it'll be the shortest of the long runs to come.
i'll hit the trail at about 6:30 in the am.

wish me luck
and speed.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

lucky 13...

13 days until the end of summer and the beginning of something new.