is not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot. a LOT.
guess i'll just bite the bullet...after mother's day weekend...yes, that sounds like a good time. sure.
speaking of motivated...a little rambling...
a friend of mine was talking last night about her yoga class, which i think she loves doing, something i've never tried, not sure its really my thing. anyway, she was talking about the instructor and the fact that the position had been rotating, or whatever, anyway it made me recall a story from my past...a few years back, just as i was pregnant and didn't know it, the ladies at work started a little weight-loss pool, where everyone put in 5 bucks and whoever lost the most weight (based on % body fat) won the pot at the end. there was a certain time period, how long i can't remember, but that doesn't really matter. anyway the 'winner' was a lady, who honestly had the
most to lose, and she did the cabbage soup diet, which was supposed to be against the rules, but back to the day as she's talking about how she's losing the weight by eating said 'illegal soup' and that she was teaching an aerobics class at the local YMCA. if you recall, i just mentioned that she had the
most weight to, naturally, i was 'surprised' to hear that she chose to get up and jump around in front of other women, who were taking a class to lose weight/get in shape/feel good/etc. now. don't get me wrong. that probably just means she had a great self-image, fine. good for her. but, if i'm going to pay money, take time out of my day to go put myself through it, i want to look at my 'motivator' and think "i can't wait to look like that!" 'cause, afterall, that's what its all about, right? otherwise, i look and think, "its not working for her...why should i bother?"
motivation. i guess its different strokes for different folks...?