this is a 'recovery' week, so i guess i can take it a bit easy.
251.03 miles recorded as of tonight.
my left lower shin is giving me some aches.
tomorrow is my off day...from running that is.
the inlaws came in tonight for the weekend.
went and ate, got a Rx filled, did some grocery shopping, got the girl to bed, baked cookies for the Buenos Aires test team, ran 3 miles and will probably bake a cake tomorrow instead of tonight, as it is entirely too late to fire up the oven again.
saturday is my FIL's bday.
and BIL's on the 14th...i am aware but so very bad about remembering to give a call.
so, i'll probably forget between now and then.
the 15th i do a 5K race, which may help me to remember...
[mental note: night before race, call C]
now, at the end of my day, which i feel has been too long, i am exhausted and ready for the weekend.
looking forward to the holiday and a long weekend.
i know most people make plans for such a thing, i plan to do nothing.
that is my plan.
wish me luck on succeeding.
have a good one.