funny thing happened today.
i work in IT. many of my co-workers are from foreign countries, India in particular.
so, as i passed one of my developers she sighed a heavy sigh, and in response i said to her, "tgif, huh?" and she looked at me quizzically, said, "pardon?" and it hit may not be t
-G-i-f for her. Maybe, she practices Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. OR maybe she just didn't understand what i said, as it
was in passing. and as i repeated myself to her i wasn't sure she understood or that i wouldn't offend her in explaining...either way, it struck my funny bone. and i giggled all the way back to my meeting with
Sukumar and you can see, that it only became funnier to me now, because i couldn't even address it with these guys without wondering would it offend them...
tgif. wherever you are. and wherever you're from.